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About me

My Philosophy









  • マイノリティ問題、差別

  • 関係性、パートナーシップ(ポリアモリー)

  • 摂食障害、タバコ、共依存などのアディクション問題

  • 内的批判

  • 親子、家族問題

  • マルチカルチャー(多文化、他言語)

  • グラウンディング

  • キャリアプラン

  • 強み発掘

  • 自己肯定、自己成長、アウェアネストレーニング

  • 対話による葛藤解決

My Training 

Process Work Institute (US, Portland)

葛藤ファシリテーション・組織変容プログラム修士課程修了Master of Conflict Facilitation and Organisational Change

Meera OSHO life training

ペインティングとアートによる瞑想トレーニング   Awareness training through Meditaion, Painting, Art and dance

Mangala Billson's Workshop

直観、数秘術、タロットリーディングのトレーニング     7 years of Training in Intuition, Numerology, Tarot reading based on OSHO meditation

Career Counsultant / キャリア・カウンセラー

キャリアコンサルタント技能士2級、Global Career Developement Faciitator(GCDF)

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My Story














If I think the life is like a journey, my path till now was not the most easiest way. it was rich in challenges and difficulties, hopelesness and pain, anger. But getting through such an experience made me possible to do this work now. 


In my childhood I enjoyed my inspiration and my creativity, but since 8 year old in Europe I had to go through very serious discimination and bulling, also family problems and more and more I closed my heart and stopped to listning my innervoice. I experienced bolemia and I could not go to school, my conflicts did not change at all.  
I do also have experience in so many minority issues like nationality, gender, sexuality, partnerships and lifestyles, single mother etc. Also after coming back to Japan my life did not make me easyer, because my mentality was already very European so I could not identify myself as a Japanese.When I lived with such level with visible logical issues, I could not understand the meaning of my life because it was very painful.


Year after year I was guided with timings and syncronicities to re-connect with my inspiration and ituitions. Also my trainings gaves me many other point of view and more and more I servived. My meeting with OSHO'S meditation change all dimention of my life path and I started to recieve love and gift from all levels, that I can enjoy each moment. 


If there is some meaning to everything what is coming up to you, and to understand this meanings you need to see this with diverce dimention's view point. 


Through my consultation I share other view points that you can udestand what is going to you HERE and NOW. To get some distance from your challenges create space in you. That will help you to see the reality in different way and make your right choice. I support people who wants life their life with more consious. 


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Shanti Daya

life consoulting

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